Sunday, April 25, 2010

Workouts for the stomach

Looking for a good stomach workout? Want to burn up the fat in your midsection? You would be surprised to hear that workouts like sit ups and running long distances do work they are not as effective as you might think and don’t usually reveal the results we are looking for.

This is because, to burn up every pound of fat in your belly you need to burn 3,500 calories. Let’s say you are only 5 pound over weight, you would have to burn 17,500 calories to see your abdomen. The average person burns 2,000 calories a day so it would take a little under 9 days to burn the 5 pound off to see your abs. Oh, I forgot, that’s if you’re not eating. The average person takes in 2,000 calories a day so to lose those pounds is going to be a little more difficult, even more difficult if you are taking in more than 2,000 calories a day.

It will be a little more difficult, but not much. That’s because I’m going to show you how to increase your metabolism so that you are burning calories even when you are not working out.

The best workouts for the stomach only work the stomach out indirectly. These are workouts like dumb bell snatches and deal lifts, bench and military presses, squats and lunges. You see, these workouts work your core muscles as well as your legs and arms and your abdomen, of course is part of your body’s core. These workouts do more than just work your muscles. They actually serve to increase your metabolism for days after that. So, even when you are resting you will be burning calories. If you’d like to know more Click Here!


  1. Good article but don't forget the energy balance of muscle vs fat. 1 pound of muscle is only about 600 calories. Just running or not eating would burn more muscle than fat and would help to actually slow your metabolism due to muscle loss as well as many other reasons.

    I just wrote an article on it on my blog. You should check it out.

  2. A very good to read this post that the best workouts for the stomach only work the stomach out indirectly. These are workouts like dumb bell snatches and deal lifts, bench and military presses, squats and lunges. So to get a flatter stomach these tips are useful.

  3. Hey there!
    I have read several of your articles on core workouts. I love it! Thanks! Feel free to drop by my site and post a favorite workout at
