Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ab workouts at home for men

Are you a guy who is looking to shed some pounds at home so you can show off your abs at the beach this summer? Are you looking for some workouts besides the same old sit ups and crunches? Well, I’ve got some great workouts that will yield the results you want much faster than sit ups and crunches. But, you are about to be surprised. Ready?

Here are the workouts that will give you a great set of abs in the privacy of your own home. They can be done with dumb bells or even just the weight of your own body. They are: military press, dead lift, squats, one armed dumb bell snatch, clean and press and many other compound exercises that work your entire body rather than just single muscle groups.

Confused? Thinking that these exercises have nothing to do with your ab muscles. OK, here’s the thing that most people don’t realize when it comes to working your abs. You can’t spot reduce fat on your abs any more than you can spot reduce fat on your left hand. You need to reduce your over all body fat percentage to under 10% and ab workouts like sit ups and crunches don’t burn enough calories to do that. They will give you strong ab muscles, but those muscles will still be covered with a layer of fat.

The exercises above will cause you to exert such effort that your body will go through a metabolic shift which causes you to burn more calories than you would have otherwise…even while you are resting…for days following the workout.

If you would like to find out more ab workouts at home for men that actually work, Click Here!

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