Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hot ab workouts

Are you looking for a really hot ab workout that will get you those mean, hot and lean 6 pack abs that everybody is looking for but no one seems to find?

This may surprise you, but ab workouts really don’t do a lot to get you six pack abs. this is because they don’t burn a lot of calories and most people need to burn calories to reveal the six pack abs they have beneath their bellies.

This is where most people go wrong. Rather than looking for hot ab work outs they should be looking for workouts that are going to burn lost of calories. Well, this is your lucky day because I’m going to clue you in on a closely guarded secret.

The best workouts to burn lots of fat are weight lifting exercise that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. These are exercises like the dead lift, military press, dumbbell snatches and a list of others. These exercises not only work your entire body and actually raise your metabolism so that you are burning more calories for a day or two after, but they inadvertently work your abs as well. In fact these exercises actually work to bring out your abs better than ab specific exercises because the exertion of energy your body goes though has such an effect that your body actually goes though metabolic changes. How hot is that?

When most people work out they concentrate on individual muscles like the bicep or the pectoral. However, to really burn a lot of calories you need to work out multiple muscle groups at the same time.
If you would like to find out more hot ab workouts that work, Click Here!

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