Sunday, April 25, 2010

At home ab workouts

Are you looking to get a great set of abs in the privacy of your own home? Do you want to do it quickly and as effortlessly as possible? Good. Let me tell you some secrets that will prevent you from wasting a lot of time doing sit ups and crunches that won’t yield the results you want.

The first thing you should know is that, while sit ups and crunches do work your abs, most people won’t see the results because they are carrying around a few extra pounds. Sit ups and crunches will not spot reduce body fat and they don’t burn enough calories to reduce your over all body fat percentage.

So, what we need is some workouts that burn lost of calories by raising your resting metabolism rate. These are exercises that will work your entire body from your legs to your shoulders. While they may not look like they are working your abs they are. These exercises will work what is known as your core, the muscles in your back as well as your abdomen. But, more importantly they will cause you to exert so much effort that you will be huffing and puffing before you know it and you body will actually go through a metabolic change that will cause you to burn calories faster for days on end.

The workouts are things like squats, dead lifts, lunges, clean and press, step ups, one armed dumb bell snatches, dumb bell swings and others as well. These are compound workouts that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. While they may seem deceptively simple they are very effective and will leave you exhausted within a half hour.

If you would like to find out more at home ab workouts that actually yield the results you want, Click Here!

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