Sunday, April 25, 2010

Great abs in two weeks

So, you want a great set of abs in two weeks. Depending on where you are in the process I just might be able to help. The trick is burning fat. If you are a man you need to get under 10% body fat. If you are a woman you need to get under 16%. So, if you are in range of that goal you will get those great abs in two weeks. If not, it may take a little longer. Regardless, I can show you some tips so that you spend your time productively rather than on things that won’t work.

Do you want to burn fat at a faster rate all day long rather than when you are just in the gym? I thought so. To do this we need to increase your metabolism. Here are some quick ways to do this.

Drink lots of green tea and take cayenne pepper capsules. These two foods have been proven to increase your resting rate of metabolism so that you burn more fat when you are working out as well as when you are resting.

Are you spending lots of time on the treadmill doing cardio? You can actually spend less time and get better results. By doing 10 sprints every day or so you actually raise your body’s rate of metabolism. This way you will be burning even more fat the next time you get on the treadmill.

Lastly, are you isolating individual muscle groups when you lift weights? Well stop. Start doing compound exercise which work multiple muscle groups at the same time. These exercises have the benefit of raising your metabolism as well as toning your core muscles, i.e. your abs.

If you’d like to find out many more tips and tricks to getting great abs fast Click Here!

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